

ソマリア:East African Communityに加入

2023-11-25 14:45:15 | ソマリア関連

BBC Somalia joins East African Community 25 Nov 2023 By Ian Wafula

Somalia has joined the East African Community (EAC) in a move intended to boost economic growth in the country following three decades of war.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said joining the regional trade bloc was a "beacon of hope" for Somalia.


The decision to admit Somalia was made after a meeting of heads of member states in Arusha, Tanzania.

Somalia's integration into the EAC is a huge step for the Horn of Africa nation, but it did not come easy.

Months of lobbying to join the regional bloc were met by serious questions and hesitation by some member states.

 なにしろメンバー諸国の国民はメンバー諸国を自由に出入りできる―ということで、EUの東アフリカ版なわけだ。ならal Shababも自由に出入りするかもしれないだろ…! 懸念はご尤も。だいたい、平和な状況か君たちは、と言われたら厳しいが、…他のメンバー諸国もまあまあ厳しい。

EAC citizens can move freely within member states, so some fear that it could be easier for al-Shabab fighters to move around the region.

The bloc is aiming to expand its market size as it hopes to integrate all countries in the Horn of Africa.

Earlier this year, EAC Secretary General Peter Mathuki hinted that Djibouti and Ethiopia would also join the bloc.

 この3月にDR Congoが加入、ソマリアはそれに続いた形。他の諸国はブルンジ、ケニア、南スーダン、タンザニア、ルワンダにウガンダ。

The Democratic Republic of Congo joined in March last year.

Somalia becomes the eighth member of the EAC after Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda.

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