ICOM IC-720Aですが、暖機してると、数時間で300Hz程ドリフトします。
NP0(C0G)のキャパシタは、おそらくPLL基板のC94(0.0047uF/4700pf/472 50V セラコン)です。
eHam netのIC-720Aで、ZS5WCさんの記事。
The other issue that had me puzzled was the apparent drift of the PLL. Mine drifted MORE than 300Hz from cold, so dug around the PLL--(digging is the right word ad the PLL is BELOW two other boxed modules against the chassis..
Discovered the master XTAL is fine uned(訳注:tunedと思われる) by the CAL pot on below the top cover, and the varactor is coupled to the Xtal with an NPO cap-so relaced this cap. with an N750 cap because the Tuning diode has an severy positive temp. co-efficient and the drift was reduced to about 30Hz. I re-aligned the PLL whilst at it, and dropped two cores into the formers which required removal of the two coils and replacing of the one ferrite slug..(Nightmare!)
Anyhow, to further reduce the drift I then added a 50k NTC thermistor to the "CALL" line and lay the thermistor next to the PLL box to sense the ambient temp. result is now about 10Hz from cold and no more twiddling required.
The rig works amazingly well , even on crowded bands!--(I have a IC-7700 to compare with),
Discovered the master XTAL is fine uned(訳注:tunedと思われる) by the CAL pot on below the top cover, and the varactor is coupled to the Xtal with an NPO cap-so relaced this cap. with an N750 cap because the Tuning diode has an severy positive temp. co-efficient and the drift was reduced to about 30Hz. I re-aligned the PLL whilst at it, and dropped two cores into the formers which required removal of the two coils and replacing of the one ferrite slug..(Nightmare!)
Anyhow, to further reduce the drift I then added a 50k NTC thermistor to the "CALL" line and lay the thermistor next to the PLL box to sense the ambient temp. result is now about 10Hz from cold and no more twiddling required.
The rig works amazingly well , even on crowded bands!--(I have a IC-7700 to compare with),
とにかく、ドリフトをさらに減らすために、50k NTC(訳注:Negative Temperature Coefficient) サーミスタを「CALL(訳注:CAL-LINE)」ラインに追加し、サーミスタをPLLボックスの隣に置いて周囲温度を感知しました。結果は、冷えから約10Hzになり、それ以上ではありません。(訳注:CAL可変抵抗で)調整が必要です。
このリグは、混雑したバンドでも驚くほどうまく機能します! (比較用に IC-7700 があります)。
とにかく、ドリフトをさらに減らすために、50k NTC(訳注:Negative Temperature Coefficient) サーミスタを「CALL(訳注:CAL-LINE)」ラインに追加し、サーミスタをPLLボックスの隣に置いて周囲温度を感知しました。結果は、冷えから約10Hzになり、それ以上ではありません。(訳注:CAL可変抵抗で)調整が必要です。
このリグは、混雑したバンドでも驚くほどうまく機能します! (比較用に IC-7700 があります)。