5. (C) VFM Yabunaka pointed out that the Japanese public
will have high expectations toward President Obama's visit to
Japan in November, as the President enjoys an historic level
of popularity among the Japanese people. Anti-nuclear
groups, in particular, will speculate whether the President
would visit Hiroshima in light of his April 5 Prague speech
on non-proliferation. He underscored, however, that both
governments must temper the public's expectations on such
issues, as the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to
apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a
"non-starter." While a simple visit to Hiroshima without
fanfare is sufficiently symbolic to convey the right message,
it is premature to include such program in the November
visit. Yabunaka recommended that the visit in November
center mostly in Tokyo, with calls on the Emperor and Prime
Minister, as well as some form of public program, such as
speeches, an engagement at a university, or a town hall-like
meeting with local residents. Highlighting the busy
political calendar in the coming weeks, including the
election of the new Prime Minister, launching of the new
Cabinet, and the Prime Minister's participation in the UN
General Assembly and the Pittsburgh G-20 Summit, Yabunaka
noted that both sides should begin working quickly on the
President's November visit. The Ambassador conveyed an
TOKYO 00002033 003.2 OF 003 この公電がリリースされたのはAug 30, 2011 01:44となっています。
NHKラジオ英会話 10月
Week 1 Describing Places and Localities
9月26日 Giving Directions
locality 地域
giving directions 道案内をする
Where exactly is ~ located? ~の場所がよくわかりません、~の正確な場所は?
at the top of the hill 丘のてっぺんに
if you're coming from ~ あなたが~からこちらに向かうのなら
So ~? ということは~ですね
up in that ~ のぼったあそこにある~
secluded neighborhood 閑静な区域、人里離れた区域
busy intersection 交通量の多い交差点
make a hard left 鋭角に左折する
after the bridge 橋を越えた後
cul-de-sac 袋小路、行き止まり
That's my place. そこが私の家です
I'll be there in a few minutes. 数分でそちらに伺います
9月27日 University Town
university town 学園都市
What's the population of ~? ~の人口は?
leave for the summer 夏休みのために去る
quaint 古風で趣のある
It is. まさに(It is quaint.の略)
at the mouth of the ~ river ~川の河口に
scenic 風光明媚な、すばらしい景色の
a nice place to live 住みやすいところ、住むのに良いところ
relaxing リラックスできる、くつろげる
~ get(gets) old fast ~にすぐ飽きる
job opportunities 雇用機会
9月28日 Vacation Plans
accommodations 宿泊施設、設備