my way of translation (3) 5/3

2022年05月03日 08時55分23秒 | 翻訳・通訳
The right thing as a human:

In the present society, there are many unfair things taking place openly, and there are many who behave selfishly as they like. So it might not be an ideal one. Given such circumstances, however the society might be, I have decide to pose a question to myself " What is the right way for me as a human? " , seek for what is right, is seen right from anybody, or universally right things as a human, and keep trying to achieve that goal.

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my way of translation (2) 5/3

2022年05月03日 08時40分50秒 | 翻訳・通訳
How much are the customers happy with your goods and services? Always posing such a question to you and trying to find an answer to it will make you advance to better business practice. (pose a question and answer it yourself)
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my way of translation 5/3

2022年05月03日 08時29分28秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Only with a common effort, might you not be able to see a chance as it is. Making further efforts in addition to your daily efforts would you to a man of keen eyesight. (enthusiasm)
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