my way of translation (3) 5/17

2022年05月17日 09時26分27秒 | 翻訳・通訳
God resides in a business front:

I believe God resides in a business front. There are sometimes difficult situations where you are surrounded by walls, and with breakthrough methods in your mind, no matter how much you have tried to do. In that case, you should take a rest , once be calm , and observe your surroundings one more time again. Then you can hear a God's voice. The front line itself or the goods itself sometimes begin to show you some clues to the solution, whispering" How about doing like this?"

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my way of translation (2) 5/17

2022年05月17日 09時08分42秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A post or a role is given to you so that you can use it for developing the society. Therefore it's no good for you to easily sit on it doing nothing. (post and role)
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my way of translation 5/17

2022年05月17日 09時03分01秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Knowledge or learning could be learned at school, but wisdom could not be taught to you. It is what you should get by yourself.
(knowledge and wisdom)
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