万次郎達を乗せた捕鯨船John Howland号は捕鯨をしながら6ヶ月後にハワイの島に着きます。万次郎は船長のWhitfieldから一緒にアメリカに行く事を誘われます。万次郎より一歳年上の五右衛門は野蛮人の住む国などへは絶対に行くなと言います。
But then he thought of his mother and how worried she must be. Perhaps she thought he was dead. Had she heard what had happened to him? Maybe she thought he had run away with no intention of ever returning! If only he had told his mother where he was going--and that he planned to return! Perhaps it would be best to try to get back to his family as fast as possible.
Then he thought of the times he'd spent with Captain Whitfield, asking question after question in his halting English, the captain patiently answering every one.
若い万次郎は6ヶ月で少なくとも簡単な会話は英語で出来る様になりましたが、すらすらとはいかない事は想像に難くはありません。 従って、"halting English" はたどたどしい英語で、"broken English" と似た表現と思いますが、今までこの言い方を聞いたことはないので辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: with a lot of pauses between words or movements, often because of a lack of confidence: a halting conversation
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: marked by a lack of sureness or effectiveness: spoke in a halting manner
話がとぎれとぎれになる英語ですね。 、"broken English" の方は文法的な誤りもある英語の意味があると思いますが、辞書で見た事はないのでこの際確認してみます。
・Urban Dictionary:
Incorrect or awkwardly structured English, usually spoken or written by non-native speakers.: Not necessarily pejorative.: She's not fluent yet, she only knows some broken English, but she's trying!
・Vocabulary.com: imperfectly spoken or written: “broken English”
程度にもよりますが、“broken English” より "halting English" の方がましでしょうか?
But then he thought of his mother and how worried she must be. Perhaps she thought he was dead. Had she heard what had happened to him? Maybe she thought he had run away with no intention of ever returning! If only he had told his mother where he was going--and that he planned to return! Perhaps it would be best to try to get back to his family as fast as possible.
Then he thought of the times he'd spent with Captain Whitfield, asking question after question in his halting English, the captain patiently answering every one.
若い万次郎は6ヶ月で少なくとも簡単な会話は英語で出来る様になりましたが、すらすらとはいかない事は想像に難くはありません。 従って、"halting English" はたどたどしい英語で、"broken English" と似た表現と思いますが、今までこの言い方を聞いたことはないので辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: with a lot of pauses between words or movements, often because of a lack of confidence: a halting conversation
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: marked by a lack of sureness or effectiveness: spoke in a halting manner
話がとぎれとぎれになる英語ですね。 、"broken English" の方は文法的な誤りもある英語の意味があると思いますが、辞書で見た事はないのでこの際確認してみます。
・Urban Dictionary:
Incorrect or awkwardly structured English, usually spoken or written by non-native speakers.: Not necessarily pejorative.: She's not fluent yet, she only knows some broken English, but she's trying!
・Vocabulary.com: imperfectly spoken or written: “broken English”
程度にもよりますが、“broken English” より "halting English" の方がましでしょうか?