English Collection



2012年10月27日 | 英語学習
Not that much of this was openly discussed among us, in spite of our long hours of idle chatter. Apart from the occasional pronunciamentos of the middle-Europeans, and the undergraduates' stumbling dialecties, I remember only one outright declaration of direct concern - scribbled in charcoal on a latrine wall:
The Fashish Bastids murdered my buddy at Huesca.
Don't worry, pal. I've come to get them.
(Signed) H A R R Y.
A MOMENT OF WARの舞台はもちろんスペインですが、主人公をはじめヨーロッパ、北米等の国からの義勇兵が集まって来ているせいか、英語以外の言葉も良く出てきます。だいたいの流れが分かる時はその様な外国語と思われる言葉は無視しています。 上の "pronunciamentos" も純粋な英語ではなさそうですが、意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (plural) -tos
1.an edict, proclamation, or manifesto, esp one issued by rebels in a Spanish-speaking country
2.an authoritarian announcement
・Vocabulary.com: a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government): Here, indeed, it is so bad as to resemble many of the current political and economic pronunciamentos!
スペイン語からきた言葉で単数形は "pronunciamento" ですね。
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