English Collection


frighten Americans out of their wits

2012年10月13日 | 英語学習

Manjiro drew a picture of the battlements he had seen in Boston Harber. "Even the small port of the town where I lived is fortified with guns," he said. "The shells are about ten inches in diameter. The guns measure some twelve feet. Ships are supplied with cannons, and the sailors armed with rifles. There is hardly any weapon that can frighten Americans out of their wits."
"frighten Americans out of their wits" の個所は慣用句の様です。単に「米国人を脅かす」と解釈しても間違いではないと思いますが辞書で調べてみます。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: also scare somebody out of their wits: to cause extreme fear in someone Don't sneak up behind me like that - you frightened me out of my wits!
・Macmillan Dictionary: frighten/scare the wits out of someone or frighten/scare someone out of their wits: to make someone feel extremely frightened: The movie scared the wits out of us.
・Wiktionary: To frighten someone to such an extent that they behave irrationally: He scared me out of my wits, sneaking up behind me in the dark, like that.

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