English Collection



2013年06月13日 | 英語学習
旅行から日に焼けて帰って来ました。 旅行前に用意したブログ用のネタが一週間分程あるので、ブログを再開します。
動物を話題にしたコラム、Smart Animals(Reader's Digest 4月号)から一部を引用します。
Three years ago, a muddy little kelpie named Diesel joined my family. He'd spent most of his life tethered on a chain and had received little love or attention.
Diesel settled in well; his only duty being that of a watchdog. He quickly took to his soft bed, good food and the freedom to roam in a large garden.
文中の "kelpie" は犬の種類を示しているのは確かですが、どんな犬か気になるので調べます
・Collins Dictionary: an Australian breed of sheepdog, originally developed from Scottish collies, having a smooth coat of various colours and erect ears: BEN Noll believes the record $2500 his family paid for a trained kelpie sheep dog at the weekend is a good investment.
・Vocabulary.com: an Australian sheepdog with pointed ears:
The kelpie is a working sheepdog, a participator in dog trials, public displays of skill in marshaling sheep into pens.
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