法律の勉強はした事がありませんが、契約書は以前の職場でおそらく数百通は読んだ経験があります。頻度は多くはありませんが、たまにラテン語の表現が出てきたので幾つかの表現は自然と覚えました。Reader's Digest 4月号の記事に久し振りにラテン語の表現に出会いました。記事は、バングラディッシュ出身のイスラム教徒が、米国で9/11のヘイトクライムの被害者になり、その加害者は、他にも殺人まで犯したので、死刑の判決を受けたのですが、その加害者を終身刑に減刑となるように奔走する話です。
With the clock ticking down towards Stroman's excution, Bhuiyan bounced back and forth between Stroman's lawyers and state officials. Mired in law and red tape, Bhuiyan finally found an attorney, Khurrum Wahid, who took his case pro bono.
上の引用文の最後に出てきた "pro bono" は初めて見る言葉なので辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (law, US) of or relating to free legal work on cases in which a defendant is unable to pay for his own defence: Standing next to the family was their lawyer, Stephen Hopper, who has run the Habib case pro bono for three years.
・Vocabulary.com: The phrase pro bono is useful for describing things you do to help people, rather than to earn money. For example, a dentist might offer free teeth cleaning as pro bono work for low-income patients.
You're most likely to see the term pro bono used in reference to free legal services. Many attorneys offer pro bono legal aid either to help poor clients or because the outcome of a case would serve the public good. Pro bono is short for pro bono publico, literally "for the public good" in Latin.
With the clock ticking down towards Stroman's excution, Bhuiyan bounced back and forth between Stroman's lawyers and state officials. Mired in law and red tape, Bhuiyan finally found an attorney, Khurrum Wahid, who took his case pro bono.
上の引用文の最後に出てきた "pro bono" は初めて見る言葉なので辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (law, US) of or relating to free legal work on cases in which a defendant is unable to pay for his own defence: Standing next to the family was their lawyer, Stephen Hopper, who has run the Habib case pro bono for three years.
・Vocabulary.com: The phrase pro bono is useful for describing things you do to help people, rather than to earn money. For example, a dentist might offer free teeth cleaning as pro bono work for low-income patients.
You're most likely to see the term pro bono used in reference to free legal services. Many attorneys offer pro bono legal aid either to help poor clients or because the outcome of a case would serve the public good. Pro bono is short for pro bono publico, literally "for the public good" in Latin.