English Collection



2013年06月26日 | 英語学習


日本語でも植物の名前はなかなか覚えられないし、覚えても直ぐに忘れてしまいますが、植物好きの私としては植物の名前は気になります。ASJの4月例会は Mr. Graham Hardman, Honorary Vice President of Japanese Garden Society, UKが英国の日本庭園について話しました。
If gardens are left unattended, nature speedily takes over, as at Giggle Alley in the Lake District, where the gardens of 1913 has become completely overgrown. Attempts are being made to restore it, but bamboos have caused havoc, and the acer, once small, have become huge trees, so the original feel of the garden cannot be replicated.
"acer" は木の一種ですが、どんな木でしょうか?
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a Eurasian or North American deciduous tree or shrub of a genus which includes the maples and the European sycamore.
・Wikipedia: Acer is a genus of trees or shrubs commonly known as maple.
・Vocabulary.com: type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit
「カエデ」や「もみじ」などの木のようです。 "winged fruit" は何年か前に取り上げて覚えています。 もみじの種子を思い浮かべれば良いので簡単に覚えられました。
BackyardGardener.comにあったAcer (Maple)の項を下に引用します。
Considered one of the most well known landscape plants, maples range from small, delicate, lacy foliaged shrubs to towering, shade producing trees. All maples are woody and can be found growing in their native habitats from the Northern hemisphere to the tropics of southeast Asia. From temperate Europe across to Turkey, Pakastan and up to the Himilayans. It is not uncommon to find several different types of maples thriving within close proximity to one another which attests to their hardy, not too picky nature. Valued for their fall color, many maples also have showy spring flowers and others provide us with sap for syrups. Whether a sturdy lawn tree for shade or a collectible weeping specimen for a container, you are sure to find a maple that fits your needs

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