Reader's Digest 4月号の記事THE TOUGHEST DECISIONに出てきた魚についての単語です。
He and his friend Richard Horrison, a fellow Zimbabwean, had met in Perth. The pair would fish for hours amid the schools of pelagic fish in the deep water.
"pelagic fish" はそういう名前の魚かなと一瞬思いましたが、"pelagic" は形容詞の様なので、特定の種類の魚を示しているようだ。 辞書で "pelagic" を調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: of, relating to, or living or occurring in the open sea: oceanic: pelagic sediment: pelagic birds: among pelagic animals the undisputed king is the blue whale, the largest creature currently roaming the face of the earth
・Oxford English Dictionary: relating to the open sea: (chiefly of fish) inhabiting the upper layers of the open sea: there are very few pelagic fish to be seen: (of a bird) inhabiting the open sea and returning to the shore only to breed.
He and his friend Richard Horrison, a fellow Zimbabwean, had met in Perth. The pair would fish for hours amid the schools of pelagic fish in the deep water.
"pelagic fish" はそういう名前の魚かなと一瞬思いましたが、"pelagic" は形容詞の様なので、特定の種類の魚を示しているようだ。 辞書で "pelagic" を調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: of, relating to, or living or occurring in the open sea: oceanic: pelagic sediment: pelagic birds: among pelagic animals the undisputed king is the blue whale, the largest creature currently roaming the face of the earth
・Oxford English Dictionary: relating to the open sea: (chiefly of fish) inhabiting the upper layers of the open sea: there are very few pelagic fish to be seen: (of a bird) inhabiting the open sea and returning to the shore only to breed.