English Collection


Having Fun at Company Expense

2013年06月15日 | 英語学習
Japan's Cultural Code Wordsは米国人の著者、Boye Lafayette De Menteが日本の文化を説明する233の日本語を取り上げた本です。
「研修」の項目の英語タイトルが "Having Fun at Company Expense" となっていたのには筆者の皮肉を感じ、また実際に自分が昔 "Having Fun at Company Expense" の経験をした事もあるので、苦笑せざるを得ませんでした。 しかし、筆者は皮肉だけで「研修」を取り上げているのではありません。「研修」の項から一部を抜粋します。
From the first, there was an element of recreation in all of the kenshu trips, but especially in the domestic trips, because they represented the only chance that most company employees had to enjoy themselves at hotels, inns and restaurants during those years. As corporate affluence increased dramatically begining in the late 1950s, the recreational aspect kenshu took on a dimension of its own, contributing enormously to the growth of Japan's hospitality and entertainment industries.
During the 1960s, the concept of kenshu trips was expanded to include training programs that could last from days to months, resulting in an astounding growth in business travel by employees of major corporations.
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