The Shell Collectorが集めている貝の毒でマラリア患者を病から救ったことが世界中にニュースで知らされ、長年離れて暮らしていた息子から手紙がきました。
I've joined the Peace Corps! I'll be working in Uganda for three years! And guess what else? I'm coming to stay with you first! I've read about the miracles you've been working--it's news even here. You got blurbed in The Humanitarian! I'm so proud! See you soon!
"blurbed" とは何でしょう? The Humanitarianは雑誌か何かのようなので褒められた記事でもあったのでしょうか。辞書で "blurb" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Write or contribute a blurb for (a book, movie, or other product).
NOUN: A short description of a book, movie, or other product written for promotional purposes and appearing on the cover of a book or in an advertisement.: He glowingly blurbed the book as 'splendid and wholly convincing'.
・ A blurb is a short piece of writing that describes or summarizes something longer and more complicated. You might browse in the library, reading blurbs on the backs of books to help you choose what to check out. One type of blurb is written to sell or promote something. A movie's official website might include a blurb describing its plot as well as a short trailer and a cast list, and well-known authors often contribute blurbs full of praise to help other writers market their own books. Any brief written summary can also be called a blurb: in fact, right now you're reading a blurb about the word blurb.
書評あるいは書評を書くことも "blurb" と言えるのですね。