"The Shell Collection" の次の短編 "Hunter's Wife" を読み始めました。日本のマタギのような猟師とその妻との話です。
At his one-room cabin with furs and old rifles on the walls, he unbolted the crawlspace and showed her his winter board: a hundred smoked trout, skinned pheasant and venison quarters hanging frozen from hooks. Enough for two of me, he said. She scanned his books over the fireplace, a monograph on grouse habits, a series of journals on upland game birds, a thick tome titled simply Bear.
"grouse"(雷鳥)は十年程前に通訳ガイドの試験勉強で覚えた単語で、"monograph" は本の一種であることは分かりますが、初めて見る単語なので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it: a series of monographs on music in late medieval and Renaissance cities
・Vocabulary.com: A scholar who is fascinated with a subject and knows a lot about it might write a monograph, or a long, detailed paper on one topic. If your favorite subject in school is the study of insects, you may one day write a monograph on entomology, full of details about beetles and wasps. A monograph is usually researched carefully, with plenty of footnotes along the way. The thesis or dissertation a college student writes as a requirement for getting a degree is one type of monograph. The word comes from the Greek mono, "single," and graph, "something written."
"graph" は直ぐに図表や写真を思い浮かべますが "something written" の意味でもあるのですね。