English Collection



2015年04月28日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digestには必ず健康や食べ物についての記事があります。"produce" に農産物の意味があるのを知ったのもReader's Digestの記事からでした。次の文は3月号のFuture Food Trendsと題された記事からの抜粋です。
Increasingly, consumers want to know exactly how and where their food was produced. While small and boutique suppliers can usually tell you their produce's exact provenance , traceability schemes now allow supermarket consumers the same details using QR (quick response) codes on packaging. Shoppers use smartphones to access information about the origin of each product.
上の文にでてきた "provenance" の意味は文脈から生産地の意味だと推測できますが、初めて見る単語なので、この際辞書で確認して覚えたい。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the place of origin of something: jewels of uncertain provenance: This raised doubts about the provenance of the painting.
・Vocabulary.com: where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
Where something comes from is its provenance. If a style of music originated in the capital of Rhode Island, you could say that its provenance was Providence.
Some items of foreign provenance are taxed more heavily than domestic products. If you claim that an artwork put up for sale was stolen from your family's art collection, an investigation may be ordered to resolve issues of provenance. In this case, provenance refers to who has the legal right to the specific work of art, or to whom it belongs.

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