English Collection


kondo your English

2015年04月23日 | 英語の本を読む

The Japan Times Online 2015/03/25に "Frenemies, screenagers, kidults--kondo your English with these trending terms" と題されたトレンディーな英語についての記事がありました。長いのでその一部を抜粋して下記に紹介します。
Age identified teens who are always looking at their iPads, video games and smartphones as screenagers.
But the line between screenager and adult is more blurred than ever before, as the terms kidult, rejuvenile and adultescent are increasingly used to refer to grown-ups who like things traditionally intended for children, such as cartoons, toys, computer games and -- yep -- even Disney movies (gotcha!).
...the word transgenerational theft to describe the tendency to take from the young and employed (taxes, benefits, etc.) to pay the debts of the old (pensions, health care, etc.)
The Economist described U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “frenemies,” meaning enemies disguised as friends.
Lastly, according to the WSJ, a Japanese word has recently entered the American lexicon. That word is kondo, and the moniker of the author of the best-selling “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” is used as a verb to mean “purging or meticulous folding.”
...according to the article you can kondo your garage (tidy it up), kondo your dresser drawers (fold and neaten everything) or kondo your closet (get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the past year).
"kondo" は片付けコンサルタントの近藤 麻理恵さんの苗字から来た言葉とはびっくり、ネイティブでもこんな新語を知っている人はよほど流行に目ざとい方でしょう。
追記 この原稿を書いたのは4月の初めですが、その後4月17日の朝日新聞朝刊で近藤麻理恵さんが 米タイム誌の「世界で最も影響のある100人」に選ばれたと報じていました。

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