English Collection


Typical American CEO

2015年04月18日 | 英語の本を読む

The Power of Habitを読んでいますが、非常に興味深い話が書かれていました。
51歳の時にAlcoaのCEOとして就任したPaul O'Neillの演説の最重要点は次のことでした。
"... I intend to make Alcoa the safest company in America. I intend to go for zero injuries."
会社の成績が落ち込んでいる時だったのでこれは意外な就任演説です。興味深いのはThe Power of Habitの著者がこの後に続ける一般的な米国の新CEOの演説の事です。
A new CEO would start with an introduction, make a faux self-deprecating joke--something about how he slept his way through Harvard Business School--then promise to boost profits and lower costs. Next would come an excoriation of taxes, business regulations, and sometimes, with a fever that suggested firsthand experience in divorce court, lawyers.
Finally, the speech would end with a blizzard of buzzwords--"synergy," "rightsizing,"and "co-opetition"--at which point everyone could return to their offices, reassurred that capitalism was safe for another day.

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