English Collection



2015年04月29日 | 英語の本を読む

The Power of Habitを読んでいると、The Great Sanriku Tsunami 1933 March 3 Tsunami and Usという章がありました。そこからの文を引用します。
At the very least, the mental state of the members of a household might get a bit off-kilter when their lives have been upset.
"off-kilter" は見覚えがありますが、忘れているので辞書を引きます。
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Lit. out of balance; crooked or tilted. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; knock something ~.) John, your tie is sort of off-kilter. Let me fix it. Please straighten the picture on the wall. It's out of kilter.
・Merrium-Webster: eccentric, unconventional: off-kilter characters: an off-kilter approach
・Urban Dictinary: It means that something's just not right. Off balance. It's not all there.: She suddenly started laughing for no reason. She's a bit off kilter.
思い出しました。"off-kilter" は "9/2/2013" に取り上げていました。

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