English Collection



2015年04月03日 | 英語の本を読む

やっとThe Art of ChoosingのEpilogueになりました。この後にまだ17ページものAfterwordとAcknowledgementsがありますが、The Art of Choosingからの引用はこれが最後です。 When she died at her home in Sussex on June 17, 2009, it was a shock to her family and friends. During the weeks that followed, and as details about her death emerged, it became clear that had arranged a neat exit. She was discovered, for instance, with a DNR card in her pocket; had previously left instructions with her physician that she was not to be resuscitated under any circumstances; and had even written a letter, found beside her body, explaining that she had planned and committed the suicide entirely on her own.
"DNR card" で臓器提供カードを連想しましたが、その後の説明から蘇生させるなとの意思を示すカードと分かります。一般用語になっている様なので辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Do not resuscitate.
・Wiktionary: (medicine, initialism) Do not resuscitate. The hospital ignored the DNR order because it wasn't entered on the charts.
いずれの辞書も "Do not resuscitate." を略語の第一義の意味として掲載しているので、DNAと同様に "DNR" は専門用語から既に一般用語になっているようです。

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