Stephen Kingの小説 "Cycle of the Werewolf" を読み始めました。Stephen Kingの名前は聞いたことはありますが、小説を読むのは初めてです。挿絵が沢山入っていて少年向けの話の様です。よくあることですが、知っている単語だが意味が分からない単語、つまり多義語なのでしょう、"bark" が次のように出て来ました。
In the dark, she fumbles for a dishtowel with which to clean up the spilled coffee and barks her shin on a footstool. She cries out. In the dark, her husband laughs heartily. He finds his wife's pain more amusing than anything, except maybe the jokes they have in The Reader's Digest. Those jokes--Humor in Uniform, Life in These United States-- really tickle his funnybone.
私の知っている "bark" は名詞の樹皮と動詞の吠えるですが、どちらも上の文の意味ではないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Scrape the skin off (one’s shin) by accidentally hitting it against something hard.: But, when you tumble over and bark your shins, you are less than enamoured by gravity.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to rub off or abrade the skin of: barked a shin on the desk