"bereft" は2年前に取り上げた単語で、"bereft family" や "bereft of hope"、 "bereft of happiness" などの精神的に失ったものについて使われるものと記憶しましたが、「国家の品格」(英語訳)に出てきた次ぎの "bereft of" は精神的なものではなく物質を示しています。
We need to think carefully about why a small island bereft of natural resources has such an extraordinary track record.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: left without someone or something
失ったものは "
someone or something" とあります。 更に他の辞書を見ると次ぎの丁寧な説明を見つけました。
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: without something necessary or desirable;
なるほど、単に "something" ではなく、必要なもの、持っていたいものを失う、あるいは持っていない場合に使うようです。 この辞書には次ぎの解説もありました。
Tips: The difference between the adjectives bereft and its synonym bereaved is that the latter usually refers exclusively to someone who has been deprived of a loved one through death. People can, on the other hand, be bereft of many things, including values, abstractions, and characteristics, as well as people. Bereft is usually used in the form "bereft of something." The verb to bereave means "to lose or be deprived of something." Its past tense form is also bereft. So, bereft is both an adjective and a past-tense verb.
なるほど、これで "bereft" の・意味用法が良く分かりました。
Susie was bereft of her job during the recession, but she soon recovered by getting an even better one.
今の仕事について一年経ちましたが、前職のように一年ちょっとで "bereft of my job" の状態にならないよう祈っています。
We need to think carefully about why a small island bereft of natural resources has such an extraordinary track record.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: left without someone or something
失ったものは "
someone or something" とあります。 更に他の辞書を見ると次ぎの丁寧な説明を見つけました。
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: without something necessary or desirable;
なるほど、単に "something" ではなく、必要なもの、持っていたいものを失う、あるいは持っていない場合に使うようです。 この辞書には次ぎの解説もありました。
Tips: The difference between the adjectives bereft and its synonym bereaved is that the latter usually refers exclusively to someone who has been deprived of a loved one through death. People can, on the other hand, be bereft of many things, including values, abstractions, and characteristics, as well as people. Bereft is usually used in the form "bereft of something." The verb to bereave means "to lose or be deprived of something." Its past tense form is also bereft. So, bereft is both an adjective and a past-tense verb.
なるほど、これで "bereft" の・意味用法が良く分かりました。
Susie was bereft of her job during the recession, but she soon recovered by getting an even better one.
今の仕事について一年経ちましたが、前職のように一年ちょっとで "bereft of my job" の状態にならないよう祈っています。