Reader's Digest 3月号の "How to change your mind" と題した記事の一文です。
In the US, the idea that the physical brain can be honed in the same way that pecs and abs can be shaped in the gym has been seized on as the next big thing.
"abs" は以前覚えた単語で "abdominal muscles" の事なので "pecs" もどこかの筋肉のはずです。 辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: either of two large muscles of the chest
・American Heritage Dictionary: A pectoral muscle. Often used in the plural: "Beneath those pecs there beats a heart"
確かに "pecs and abs" と略語を使う方が簡単ですし覚えられそうです。
In the US, the idea that the physical brain can be honed in the same way that pecs and abs can be shaped in the gym has been seized on as the next big thing.
"abs" は以前覚えた単語で "abdominal muscles" の事なので "pecs" もどこかの筋肉のはずです。 辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: either of two large muscles of the chest
・American Heritage Dictionary: A pectoral muscle. Often used in the plural: "Beneath those pecs there beats a heart"
確かに "pecs and abs" と略語を使う方が簡単ですし覚えられそうです。