今日話題にする表現もRD4月号の「ネイティブがよく誤る語法」の特集 "How to Sound Smarter - The Reader's Digest Version of those rules for talking and writing - the ones you missed in school" からです。
You never mean: Off of
You always mean: Off
Why: Some words are perfectly fine on their own. "May I bounce an idea off you?"
"bounce an idea off you" は慣用句のようなので調べます。
・MoneyGlossary.com: To seek feedback (initial impression) from someone.
・Dictionary of Management Jargon: To get someone's initial impression of an idea they have not heard before; "Can we bounce an idea off someone today"
・American Heritage Dictionary: To present or propose for comment or approval. Often used with off: bounced a few ideas off my boss.
・COED: discuss an idea with another person in order to test or improve it.
You never mean: Off of
You always mean: Off
Why: Some words are perfectly fine on their own. "May I bounce an idea off you?"
"bounce an idea off you" は慣用句のようなので調べます。
・MoneyGlossary.com: To seek feedback (initial impression) from someone.
・Dictionary of Management Jargon: To get someone's initial impression of an idea they have not heard before; "Can we bounce an idea off someone today"
・American Heritage Dictionary: To present or propose for comment or approval. Often used with off: bounced a few ideas off my boss.
・COED: discuss an idea with another person in order to test or improve it.