As I pointed out in Chapter Three, the ideas of the neo-classical economists are no more than a rehashing of Adam Smith.
"rehashing" は初耳(初目?)の単語ですが、再び(re)ハッシュ(hashed beafのハッシュ?)の様な意味を連想しますが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: present or use over, with no or few changes
・Dictionary.com: to work up (old material) in a new form.
・American Heritage Dictionary: To bring forth again in another form without significant alteration: rehashing old ideas.
上の "rehash" は動詞ですが、 "rehash" は名詞としても使われます。
・Century Dictionary: Something hashed afresh; something concocted from materials formerly used: as, a literary rehash.
考えて見ると世の中の本やドラマなど"rehashing"/ "rehash" がほとんどです。
As I pointed out in Chapter Three, the ideas of the neo-classical economists are no more than a rehashing of Adam Smith.
"rehashing" は初耳(初目?)の単語ですが、再び(re)ハッシュ(hashed beafのハッシュ?)の様な意味を連想しますが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: present or use over, with no or few changes
・Dictionary.com: to work up (old material) in a new form.
・American Heritage Dictionary: To bring forth again in another form without significant alteration: rehashing old ideas.
上の "rehash" は動詞ですが、 "rehash" は名詞としても使われます。
・Century Dictionary: Something hashed afresh; something concocted from materials formerly used: as, a literary rehash.
考えて見ると世の中の本やドラマなど"rehashing"/ "rehash" がほとんどです。