

賄賂を支払え!Rudy Giuliani as Trump's Secretary of State, "More PAY TO PLAY than Hillary Clinton"

2016-11-17 19:06:10 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事

Rudy Giuliani as Trump's Secretary of State, "More PAY TO PLAY than Hillary Clinton"

2016/11/16 に公開 :Pay to Play =賄賂を払え!のポジションなんですね!ヒラリーのクリントン財団が蓄財した背景に世界の国々がアメリカから特別な配慮をしてもらうかわりに多くの賄賂[お金]を贈与するシステムがあったのですね。つまり腐敗の構造は変わらないということでしょうか?外務大臣の地位が世界から収奪できるということでしょうか?やれやれ!

With Trump signaling that Rudy Giuliani as his appointee to Secretary of State, a CNN Panel wit a GREAT DISCUSSION of what potential conflicts would arise. Giuliani has started a huge Law Firm and Security Consulting Business after completing his term as New York's Mayor with ties throughout the world. His firm has done work for countries such as Bahrain, Venezuela, Cutter, United Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Mexico City and more. If Giuliani were to become the SOS, it could redefine the very meaning of "pay to play" as he has made millions from these countries and would now be creating a huge conflict of interest. The IRONY is deafening after Giuliani spent two years criticizing Hillary Clinton's State Department for the very conflict that he would create if accepting the position.

つまりSecretary of State の政治的地位はお金が世界から降ってくるということでしょうか?政治家にお金がまとわりつくのですね。しかしCNNはトランプ陣営にシニカルであり続けるのですね。ALEXなどのリバタリアン系クリスチャンはどう反論するのでしょうか?トランプへの攻撃はどうしてでしょう?CNNはオリガーキーの手先ということでしょうか?CNNはディベートでヒラリーの有利になるような司会をしていましたね。んんん、繰り返される腐敗の構図であってほしくないですね。Drain the Swampですよね!沼を浚え!沼を浄化する!でした!


