

My room net connection is no good.(revised a bit)

2010-07-31 13:16:17 | 日々の記録・備忘録

Because of that I was writing all things in my Word and was going to UP
after. Just accessing the internet, was not so convenient, all these net environments is just upsetting.

People in Munich seem to be rather enjoying this classic city itself and the university city is very moderate and beautiful. The subway and tram are very convenient, too.

But before I come to this classic city, I did not have time to do some
research for occupying writing my presentation paper. Accordingly, I did not have much basic information about Germany and the university.

I found later that the Munich university founded around the 14th century, and it is one of the oldest universities in Germany, very prestigious!
I found also in the building, a wonderful & memorable small museum for those who resisted the Nazi regime during WWII. White Roses were
from this university. They were medical students! I bought a small book introduces some details of their resistance to the Nazi, and it was something I was really impressed.

I would like to write a lot what I have learned through "Cultures of Modernity" conference, and what I found in this conference. What is Modernity? What was brought to us by modernization? Modernization is an exciting theme! Interweaving, multiplicity, trans-national, finding new other etc
are interesting themes to think. Beside repetition, the theory was also interesting! Now I am afraid this might be dismissed. So I stop here.

I hope I can write in Japanese, but I have to negotiate with the hotel staff.

Well, I will go back home soon.



