

9/11を再調査するトランプ!Donald Trump, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Trump is now going to find Truth who did 911

2016-12-18 04:20:34 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事



Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again Audible – Unabridged

Alex の Infowarsに登場し、インタビューに答え、Crippled Americaの新書を紹介するトランプさんである!Osama bin Laden についての言及を何度も聞かされるが、サウジアラビアとの関係、イスラム・ラディカルの象徴になっていますね。彼は生存しているとエドワード・スノーデンは公表しています。オバマとヒラリーはパキスタンで殺害したと大きく報道していました。アメリカ国家によるFAKEです。Fake news 問題は深刻ですね。国家による偽り情報まできちんと吟味し振り分けるのだろうか?

Donald Trump, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Abby Martin, Trump is now going to find Truth who did 911

2016/12/15 に公開

Must watch! Now That trump will be our President, Now there will be a Reinvestigation of 911.

 以下はコメントの一つである。ちょっと卑猥な表現もあるが、コメント蘭に秘密の答えが散りばめられている可能性があるね。Fake Newsが賑わっているが、アレックスとトランプのつながりが9・11への疑問だということが解る。アメリカの政治の欺瞞というより9・11をもたらしイラク戦争へと突入した21世紀冒頭からこの間の十数年間への疑問である。其の点、トランプを侮蔑するグローバルエリートや上層部の偽善的横柄さ(Mainstream media)の方が権力の傀儡だということが分る。

この動画はこの間のいきさつが編集されている。興味深い。Mainstream mediaが伝えない事柄だということがわかる。アメリカには真実を追究するインディペンデントメディア、SNSが存在する。リベラルも嘘・偽りを信じている。ドグマとしてのアメリカの主流メディアや州政府の政治手法への疑問がトランプへの支持に繋がっていることも事実だろう。アビーさんはキッシンジャーが戦争犯罪者だと話している。

This is why real information is coming out about 9-11. If you still believe terrorist with box cutters destroyed the twin towers an part of the pentagon you are batshit crazy. How did a hand full of people with box cutters on planes able to do this? Either the biggest pussies on earth were on those planes or this is a inside job.
Paula Harris Baca
This is the only thing I worry about is the Donald's gullibility about Osama bin Laden being behind the WTC implosions. I sure hope he doesn't believe the Bush/Clinton version of the WTC conspiracy. The whole Bush/Larry Silverstein/Israel scheme makes me truly scared, and when you mix this misanthrope Soros and the Hildebeast into the pot, it's absolutely terrifying.
John Laccohee-Joslin
I have been since the day this happened, saying that people should wake up and open their eyes and look for themselves. I you take the time to study the footage of this it is the very first time in my life that I have seen something the size of a plane, not hit the towers but get swollowed up by them, they go in and keep going in untill they totally disapear inside, ratger like the road runner, even a hole the right shape. Now heres the factual bit, the towerswere built using steel uprights nearly every meter, the steel was two inches thick, and some bozzo trys to insist that an alloy plane cut a hole all the way into this structure, which by the way I can prove 100% is a physical impossability, and I have photographic proff of same. Forget building seven for the moment because that is a big lie all on its own, just open your eyes and look, and look again if your not sure, but please bare in mind that not one nut or bolt or engine, in fact nothing came of the plane on its way in, and beat this!!!they actually showed you a plane coming out the other side until the cockpit was clear of the building, it did not fall to the ground ,IT DISAPEARED, NOT MY WORDS, MY OBSERVASION, AND IT SHOUKD BE YOUR OBSERVATION AS WELL BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE JUST THE SAME AS ME. America and the world has been lied to yet again and the first person that comes to mind is George Bush who said, let us not allow conspirisy theorism say different from what I say, if they do they are terrorist as well, in other words believe what I tell you or else. I truly hope Mr. Trump sticks to his promise to open this case again and this time find the real terrorists.


