

Fukushima Radiation Dwarfs Chernobyl And Has reached California

2017-03-05 21:43:39 | 世界の潮流


Fukushima Radiation Dwarfs Chernobyl And Has reached California

2017/02/09 に公開

The Fukushima Disaster is worse than they are saying. Strange Mutated Animals Are Washing Up On California Shores At Alarming rates. We noted a few days after the Japanese earthquake that the amount of radioactive fuel at Fukushima dwarfs that at Chernobyl … and that the cesium fallout from Fukushima already rivaled Chernobyl (we also noted that Fukushima radiation could end up on the West Coast of North America. And see this.).

The next month, we pointed out that Tepco admitted that the radiation from Fukushima could exceed that from Chernobyl.

And that Fukushima’s reactors had actually suffered something much worse than a total meltdown: nuclear melt-throughs, where the nuclear fuel melted through the containment vessels and into the ground. A few months later, we reported that radiation will pollute the area around Chernobyl for 5 to 10 times longer than models predicted – between 180 and 320 years.

The following year, we pointed out that the operator of the Fukushima plant admitted that they couldn’t find the melted fuel from Fukushima reactor number 2 … and that the technology doesn’t yet even exist to clean up Fukushima.解決できないテクノロジー!

Highest Radiation Level At Fukushima Now Dwarfs That At Chernobyl
The highest radiation levels ever measured at Chernobyl were 300 sieverts per hour … an incomprehensibly high dose which can kill a man almost instantly.チェルノブイリの原発事故が小さく見える福島の高い放射能(物質)の水準!

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