

ミドルベリー大学での講演阻止!Ultra-preppy Middlebury College Shouts Down Charles Murray's Talk on "Coming Apart"

2017-03-03 21:22:44 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事

ミドルベリー大学=Middlebury collegeはリベラルアーツでアメリカのトップ10に入る市立大学で4年間の学費が265,321ドル=3032,32万円だから、かなりレヴェルも学費も高い大学ですね。そこで講演の壇上に立ったCharles Murray教授の前に講堂で学生たちが背中を向け講義のシュプレヒコールをしたという記事、動画である。Murray教授はThe Bell Curve,Coming Partなどのベストセラーの著書を書いている。白人貧困層について書いた書物もあるのですね。Murrayさんは人種とIQやDNAの民族性について比較分析をして、エスニックの中のギャップなどを問題にしているのでしょうか。学生の抗議の中で白人ナショナリストと批判していますね。Black things matterなどとも叫んでいます。IQの人種間の差異があるとの論に対しては異論もありそうです。


 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6EASuhefeI ←YouTubeです!そこを御覧ください。学生たちの抗議の様子が分ります。表現の自由はどうなのだろう?この動画を見ると立って背を向けて叫んでいる学生がいるかと思うと、着席してステージに向かって様子を見守っている学生もいますね。GO HOME!と叫んでいる学生たちの姿!大統領選挙後の街での抗議行動に類似していますね。人種差別や性差別やナショナリズムへの抵抗なんですね。多様性とLGBTQIを許容せんとする若者たちの意志は感じますね。編集画面では動画は見れるのですが、表にUPされる時に見れなくなるようです。直接YouTubeに飛んでください。

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a6EASuhefeI?start=1127&feature=oembed" frameborder="0" width="500" height="375"></iframe>

From the Burlington (VT) Free Press:

Middlebury students shout down author
Nicole Higgins DeSmet , Free Press Staff Writer Published 6:09 p.m. ET March 2, 2017

Middlebury College students shouted down Libertarian political scientist and author Charles Murray as he tried to deliver a speech Thursday afternoon. …

In the lecture hall there were a series of speakers before Murray took the stage.

“I would regret it terribly if my presence here today, which is an expression of support I try to give to all my students [...] is read to be something which is not, an endorsement of Mr. Murray’s teachings and writings,” Middlebury College President Laurie L. Patton said to the students …

Several groups in the audience stood as Murray began to speak. They turned their backs and spoke over him. Single voices merged into a call and response that included “Who is the enemy? White supremacy,” and “Charles Murray go away. Racist. Sexist. Anti-gay.”白人優越主義者、出て行け!性差別者!反ゲイ!などと叫んでいたのですね。

Faculty observed the proceedings, but no one moved to stop the students who broke almost every rule in the college policy rule book.

Murray was moved to a private room where administrators streamed live video of his speech to a screen in the McCullough Student Center where about 100 students and faculty remained.

Following the disruption, students scattered through the building trying to find out where the broadcast was coming from.

“We believe that his views are racist. Our goal is not to give him a platform on this campus,” student Emma Ronai-Durning said before disappearing down a stairwell.

I get the sense from the fairness of this article that Burlington’s Free Press actually supports Free Speech. But who cares what some dying white America newspaper thinks?

In sharp contrast, here’s the Washington Post / AP version:

College students protest speaker branded white nationalist

Middlebury College students turn their backs to Charles Murray, unseen, who they call a white nationalist, during his lecture in Middlebury, Vt., Thursday, March 2, 2017. Hundreds of college students on Thursday protested a lecture by a speaker they call a white nationalist, forcing the college to move his talk to an undisclosed campus location from which it was live-streamed to the original venue but couldn’t be heard above protesters’ chants, feet stamping and occasional smoke alarms. (Lisa Rathke/Associated Press)

By Lisa Rathke | AP March 2 at 9:53 PM

MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — Hundreds of college students on Thursday protested a lecture by a writer some called a white nationalist, forcing the college to move his talk to an undisclosed campus location from which it was live-streamed to the original venue but couldn’t be heard above protesters’ chants, feet stamping and occasional smoke alarms.

Speaker Charles Murray wrote “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life” and “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010.” The Southern Poverty Law Center considers him a white nationalist who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”擬似科学者で統計を誤用している、社会的不平等を黒人やラテン系コミュニティー、女性、貧乏人の遺伝的な劣等性ゆえだとの論を展開しているとのことですがー。どうなのでしょう?

Murray hasn’t responded to an email seeking comment.

[Emphasis mine]

Okay, Charles, your hometown newspaper, Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post, just called you a “white nationalist” five times in the opening of their article.

P.S., in case you are wondering how much four years at Middlebury costs:

Screenshot 2017-03-02 21.26.19

Four years at that cost per year would be $265,328. (Of course, the odds are that the cost would go up while you are there.) 


