Full Trump Interview '60 Minutes' - President-elect Donald Trump & Family Interviewed on 60 Minutes
President-elect Donald Trump & Family Interviewed on "60 Minutes" with Lesley Stahl 11/13/16. Trump firstly talks about his phone calls with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton - Trump "very gracious calls". President-elect Donald Trump also talks about his phone call with President Obama, their discussion included: the Middle East and ObamaCare. Trump said that he had great chemistry with President Obama and they never discussed what they said about each other during the election, and their was no awkwardness. On immigration, Trump said that he will build the Mexican wall although their could be some fencing. He continued by saying that he will deport up to 3 million criminal, illegal immigrants. After his meeting with Paul Ryan, Mike Pence and Republican leadership, his immediate priorities include health care, immigration and the simplification and lowering of the taxation system. Trump talks about his transition team and hints at his cabinet and phasing out government corruption. He said that he will appoint pro-life justices and judges and talks in more detail about the future of abortion. He said he is not scared by his new responsibilities. On the anti-Trump demonstrations and protestors, Trump said that "they don't know me" and they should not be afraid.
Trump on Twitter and other social media - "Social Media has more power than the money the Clinton Campaign spent".ソーシャルメディアはクリントンの選挙キャンペーンに使ったお金より力がある!
Trump on Hillary Clinton - Is Presidentelect Donald Trump going to ask for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton over her emails, and try and get her in jail as previously stated? - "I am going to think about it, I feel that I want to focus on Jobs, I want to focus on healthcare and a border immigration bill..." " She has done bad things, I don't want to hurt them (Clintons), they are good people".ヒラリーは犯罪を犯したけど、彼らを侵害しないとのことです。犯罪者として起訴しないのですね。クリントン財団の問題は追及されていますね。選挙中のお互いの罵詈罵倒は反故にするのかもしれませんね。オバマもかなり汚い言葉でトランプを中傷していました。トランプもヒラリーを犯罪者として批判していました。それらが一夜に浄化されるとは思わないのですが、放たれたことばは残りますね。
President-elect Donald Trump was joined by Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Tiffany Trump, Eric Trump & Donald Trump Jnr. November 13th 2016 interview after the election results.
5日間続くデモですね。Stop 暴動、レイシズム!
"Full Trump Interview"
"Full Trump 60 minutes Interview"
"Trump 60 Minutes"