

What Happens to Cannon Fodderアメリカの退役軍人の悲惨さ!

2014-07-12 08:01:45 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事


What Happens to Cannon Fodder

Despite the July 4 tributes, millions of US soldiers and veterans are in serious trouble.

Twenty two veterans kill themselves every day according to the Veterans Administration.   A study by the Los Angeles Times found veterans are more than twice as likely as other civilians to commit suicide.  Suicides among full-time soldiers, especially among male soldiers, are also well above the national civilian rate. USA Today reported a suicide rate of 19.9 per 100,000 for civilian men compared to rates of 31.8 per 100,000 for male soldiers and 34.2 per 100,000 for men in the National Guard.

Over 57,000 veterans are homeless on any given night according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Unemployment is much higher among post 911 veterans than the general population according to the Department of Labor.

More than 1.4 million veterans are living below the poverty line according to US Senate report, and another 1.4 million are just above the line.  Of veterans between the ages of 18 and 34, 12.5 percent are living in poverty.

Over 900,000 veterans live in households which receive food stamps reports the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The use of food stamps by active duty service members appears to be at an all-time high according to CNN.   In addition, many active duty service families receive a special military supplemental food allowance designed to replace food stamps for low income service families.

The VA reports over 3.5 million veterans are receiving disability benefits and well over 350,000 more survivors of veterans are receiving death benefits.   More than 1.3 million are Gulf War vets, higher numbers than any previous war. Benefits run from just over a hundred dollars a month to three thousand per month.

Hundreds of thousands more vets are applying for help from the VA.  The VAreported they have 555,180 open and pending disability and pension claims. Over a quarter million, 268,348, have been waiting more than 125 days. It was also announced by Nextgov that as many as 300,000 disability claims filed electronically in 2013 are incomplete and starting to expire. Additionally, over a quarter million vets are appealing their disability claims decisions. A veteran’s appeal of a claim denied by the VA takes an average of 923 days to complete the appeal process.

Veteran care, which has been much in the news recently for its well documented problems, includes services such as medical care for over 6.4 million people a year, compensation for 4 million veterans, survivors and children, education benefits for 700,000, guaranteed housing loans for 629,000.  VA programs cost $354 billion in 2013.

There has been a surge in demand by veterans for mental health services since returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, with some local providers in California reporting increases of 40 to 60 percent in the numbers of vets seeking mental health treatment.  The VA reported to Congress that over 11 percent of its health care was directed to mental health care as opposed to just over 7 percent for the rest of the US population.

Between 2000 and 2011 nearly one million vets were diagnosed with at least one psychological disorder and almost half had multiple disorders, according to a 2014 report of the Institute for Medicine.  In another report, the Institute says an estimated 8 percent of current and former service members deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq have a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis. Other congressional reports indicate national numbers of vets using mental health to be well over a million.  The VA spends over $3 billion annually on PTSD treatment but collect little information about the effectiveness or whether treatments are successful.

This is shameful.

Bill Quigley is a professor of law at Loyola University New Orleans and Associate Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights. He can be reached at: quigley77@gmail.comRead other articles by Bill.


アメリカの様々な戦争の退役軍人: アメリカ人砲弾の餌食はどういう状況にあるか?

Bill Quigley教授

Dissident Voice






900,000人以上の退役軍人が食料切符を給付されている世帯で暮らしていると非営利シンクタンクCenter on Budget and Policy Priorities(予算政策優先度研究センター?)が報じている。CNNによれば、現役軍人が食料切符を使用している率は史上最高に見える。更に、現役軍人家族の多くが、低所得軍人家族用として、食料切符代わりを目指した、軍の特別補足給食手当を受けている







Bill Quigleyは、ニューオリンズ、ロヨラ大、法律学教授で、Center for Constitutional RightsのAssociate Legal Director。彼とは、quigley77@gmail.comで連絡できる。彼の他の記事を読む。







もちろん、戦時においては前線や銃後を問わず、死と隣り合わせではあるものの、それは国民のほぼすべてが同様である。国民全体に降り注ぐ生と死のギャンブルである戦争状態と、一部の弱者だけが屈辱を味わう平和。そのどちらが弱者にとって望ましいかなど、考えるまでもない。持つ者は戦争によってそれを失うこ とにおびえを抱くが、持たざる者は戦争によって何かを得ることを望む。持つ者と持たざる者がハッキリと分かれ、そこに流動性が存在しない格差社会においては、もはや戦争はタブーではない。それどころか、反戦平和というスローガンこそが、我々を一生貧困の中に押しとどめる「持つ者」の傲慢であると受け止められるのである


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