③➁にキャベツ100g・人参50gを適当な大きさを加えて軽く炒めたら、むきアサリ70gを加え塩胡椒で味付けて、素麺を入れ、 コンソメ顆粒小さじ1/2・ハーブソルト小さじ1/2・ブラックペッパー適量・素麺の茹で汁50mlを混ぜ完成。
*素麺の代わりスパゲッティ・蕎麦・うど んでも良い。
Peperoncino with bare clams and cabbage
A dish with an irresistible texture of clams and cabbage
Peperoncino stands for "chili" in Italian.
- people ago
①In 800 ml of boiling water put 1/2 of a small spoonful of salt and boil 100 g of plain noodles.
➁Put 1 piece of garlic chopped together with 1 spoonful of hawk's claw in a frying pan with 1 large spoonful of olive oil and fry over medium heat.
③➁ Add 100 g of cabbage and 50 g of carrots to the appropriate size and fry lightly, add 70 g of peeled clams, season with salt and pepper, add the plain noodles, 1/2 teaspoon of consommé granules · Mix 1/2 teaspoon of herbal salt, appropriate amount of black pepper, and 50ml of boiled noodle juice to complete.
* Instead of plain noodles, spaghetti, buckwheat and udon may also be used.
* You may put bean plate sauce if you like.
* Vegetables can be anything with onions, onions, spinach and leaves.