


2020-09-05 17:41:13 | Newsメモ

BBC Trump panned over reports he called US war dead 'losers' 5 Sep 2020

 複数のメディアが、ものによっては多少ディテールを付しつつ報道したそうな。losers, suckersというので、まあ負け犬なりなんなり。もちろん大統領側は否認。なにしろ軍人層は彼が再選するにあたって期待する票田の一つ。そこに離間策をしかけるのは、謀略戦の基礎の第一歩と言った感じで、さてこの時期のことだ、どこまで本当かねえとは多少思う。

US President Donald Trump is facing a backlash over reports he mocked American soldiers killed in action as "losers" and "suckers".

The alleged remarks were first reported in the Atlantic magazine, and some details were corroborated by the Associated Press and Fox News.

But the president and his allies have denied he made the remarks.

Veterans' groups were among those who attacked the president over the reports.


According to The Atlantic, Mr Trump cancelled a visit to a US cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he said it was "filled with losers".

Four sources told the magazine he rejected the idea of visiting because the rain would dishevel his hair, and he did not believe it important to honour America's war dead.

The Atlantic's reporting was based on anonymous sources but the Associated Press said it had independently confirmed many of the remarks. A Fox News correspondent said she had corroborated some of the remarks.

In 2018 the White House said the visit was cancelled because bad weather had grounded the president's helicopter. This account was backed up in a recent book by President Trump's former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who has been a vocal critic of Mr Trump.

President Trump has pushed back hard against the reports, calling them "fake news".

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