「Australian police have launched an investigation after a car was set alight and houses were vandalised with anti-Israel graffiti in Sydney.」
BBC Australia PM condemns arson incident and anti-Israel graffiti 4 days ago
Hannah Ritchie
「The incident has been condemned by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as a "hate crime". He told ABC News: "There's no place for antisemitism in this country, or anywhere for that matter."
It comes days after a fire engulfed a synagogue in Melbourne, causing minor injuries to one man, in what police there are treating as a probable terror attack.」
「Authorities in Sydney said they were seeking two people aged between 15 and 20 over the vandalism incident.
The pair had been wearing "face coverings and dark clothing" and were seen running from the scene, New South Wales Police said.」
「Anti-Israel messages, including "Kill Israiel" [sic], were found at the scene, scrawled on the fence of two properties and cars.」
なおいたずら書きは誤字を伴っていたとのこと。これは「へへぇん、アンチイスラエルだって? 字が違うぜ? 警官どもは字も読めねえのかよぉ?」という煽りと「だってマジ、反イスラエルって書いてはいねぇもん!」という逃げを意図してのものかもしれないが、まあそういうのはどっちみちダサいので、正面からやるほうが宜しい(よくない)。
「Australian police have launched an investigation after a car was set alight and houses were vandalised with anti-Israel graffiti in Sydney.」
BBC Australia PM condemns arson incident and anti-Israel graffiti 4 days ago
Hannah Ritchie
「The incident has been condemned by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as a "hate crime". He told ABC News: "There's no place for antisemitism in this country, or anywhere for that matter."
It comes days after a fire engulfed a synagogue in Melbourne, causing minor injuries to one man, in what police there are treating as a probable terror attack.」
「Authorities in Sydney said they were seeking two people aged between 15 and 20 over the vandalism incident.
The pair had been wearing "face coverings and dark clothing" and were seen running from the scene, New South Wales Police said.」
「Anti-Israel messages, including "Kill Israiel" [sic], were found at the scene, scrawled on the fence of two properties and cars.」
なおいたずら書きは誤字を伴っていたとのこと。これは「へへぇん、アンチイスラエルだって? 字が違うぜ? 警官どもは字も読めねえのかよぉ?」という煽りと「だってマジ、反イスラエルって書いてはいねぇもん!」という逃げを意図してのものかもしれないが、まあそういうのはどっちみちダサいので、正面からやるほうが宜しい(よくない)。