


2024-04-20 15:51:45 | Newsメモ

BBC Beavers released into Wyre Forest 11 April 2024
Elliot Ball


A family of beavers have been released into an enclosure in Wyre Forest in an attempt to bring the species back to the nation’s forests.

Two adults and four kits have been moved from Scotland into the five-hectare enclosure in Worcestershire.

Forestry England say the enclosure is hoped to encourage the family to establish a home in the location selected for them along a tributary close to the Dowles Brook.


Beavers were once widespread throughout Britain, but were hunted to near-extinction by the 16th Century.


According to Forestry England, beavers play an important role in wetland ecology.

When beavers fell trees it provides habitat for fungi and insects, as well as allowing more light to reach the water, which has been shown to increase breeding in amphibians and water-based insects.


BBC Sheffield: Pilot project to bring back the beaver approved 14 February 2024
By Grace Parnell

A £100,000 pilot project to discover where best to reintroduce wild beavers in Sheffield has been approved.

Sheffield City Council said the Eurasian beaver, once hunted to extinction in the UK, could play a role in reducing the risk of flooding.

The dams they build could help slow the water coming down from upland areas, the council said.

"Not only have they mitigated flood risk by slowing the flow of water by building dams, there is improved biodiversity in the area too, with lots more wildlife."

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