


2020-12-25 21:44:59 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
BBC Stranded at sea: Rohingya survivors' stories 23 December 2020

More than 200 Rohingya refugees are believed to have died or gone missing at sea in 2020 in search of a better life.

The UN refugee agency UNHCR says more than a third who made the perilous journeys from refugee camps in Bangladesh to Malaysia and Indonesia were children. Many starved at sea on boats operated by smugglers, before being turned away at their final point of destination due to Covid-19 restrictions.

BBC Rohingya refugees' perilous journey in search of safety 23 December 2020


BBC Starving Rohingya refugees rescued off Bangladesh after two months at sea 16 April 2020

The coast guard of Bangladesh says it has rescued at least 382 starving Rohingya refugees who had been drifting at sea for nearly two months.

More than two dozen people died on the boat, which was trying to reach Malaysia, officials said.

Some reports said the boat had been turned back by Malaysia because of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is unclear whether the refugees had left from Bangladesh or from Myanmar, where they are originally from.

"We have cordoned off the place where they have landed. We could not question them because of the fear they could be infected with the coronavirus," Lt Rahman said.


BBC Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi's party wins majority in election 13 November 2020

Myanmar's ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) party has secured enough seats in parliament to form the next government, according to the latest election results.

The NLD has so far won 346 seats, more than the 322 seats needed to form the next government.

The party has announced that it would be inviting ethnic minority parties to work with it, an offer it did not make when it won the last election in 2015.

India, Japan and Singapore had earlier congratulated the NLD on their win.

This year's election has been seen as a gauge of support for the NLD and Ms Suu Kyi following the Rohingya crisis.

Observers had questioned the credibility of the election because of the disenfranchisement of virtually all the Rohingya.

Earlier this year, six of at least a dozen Rohingya who applied to run as candidates in the election were also barred from standing.


NewsWeek Japan 中国、ミャンマー国境に有刺鉄線の「壁」建設中 既に3分の1が完成 2020年12月21日(月)18時25分 ジョン・フェン

NewsWeek Japan ジェノサイドで結ばれる中国とミャンマーの血塗られた同盟 2020年01月29日(水)18時20分

NewsWeek Japan 中国に出荷されるミャンマーの花嫁──娘たちを売る少数民族の悲哀 2018年12月11日(火)14時20分
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