


2024-05-06 20:49:26 | ビルマ/ミャンマー

BBC Myanmar stops men from working abroad as war intensifies 3 days ago
Frances Mao & BBC Burmese


Myanmar's military government will no longer allow conscription-age men to travel out of the country for work, weeks after an enlistment order prompted many to try and flee.

On Thursday, authorities said they would suspend all applications from men for overseas work permits.

There is a large diaspora of Myanmar citizens working in other countries in Asia and previously locals had been allowed to leave for jobs abroad.

But the restrictions come as the junta battles increased opposition in the country's ongoing civil war.


The junta had imposed the conscription order in February, following months of losses.

Young people had previously spoke to the BBC of their desperation to get out of the country. Men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 are obliged to enlist.
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