


2024-03-08 00:03:54 | ビルマ/ミャンマー

BBC China repatriates hundreds of scam factory workers from Myanmar 1 Mar 2024 By Jonathan Head & Lulu Luo

Hundreds of people who had been working in Myanmar's notorious scam centres have left on evacuation flights organised by China.

The flights mark Beijing's latest win in its battle against the centres, estimated to hold hundreds of thousands of human trafficking victims.

China has been ramping up the pressure on both Myanmar's military government and armed groups to close the centres.

Money from the centres has poured into both crime and Myanmar's civil war.


This latest group were found further south, working in an area controlled by ethnic Karen insurgents - both fighting for and against Myanmar's military rulers, who took control in a coup in February 2021.


United Nations estimates, released last year, suggest as many as 120,000 people had been trafficked into centres in Myanmar, with a further 100,000 in Cambodia.

The centres have generated billions of dollars, both for Chinese underworld crime syndicates, and for the various armed groups operating along the Thai border.

 Chinese underworld crime syndicates、ですからねー…。そりゃあ中国政府だって介入したくなるわけです。

BBC Myanmar hands over three junta-backed Chinese warlords to Beijing 31 January 2024 By Kelly Ng

 ミャンマー軍政だって、流石にやり過ぎたと思ったらしく、そんなChinese underworldの3名ほどを引き渡したのだという。

Myanmar has handed over three Chinese warlords to Beijing, who were notorious for trafficking thousands of foreign nationals to forcibly run scams.

Bai Suocheng, Wei Chaoren and Liu Zhengxiang led three of four families which ruled Laukkaing on Myanmar's north-eastern border with China.

They were taken to China on a chartered flight, with seven others.

General Min Aung Hlaing is known to have supported the Chinese mafia in Laukkaing. For years, China had been pressing his regime to rein in the scam centres, where people are trapped and forced to run telephone and online scams targeting victims everywhere.
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