


2023-10-02 18:05:20 | Newsメモ

BBC Senegal's navy intercepts boats carrying 600 would-be migrants 1 Oct 2023 By Lucy Fleming


Senegal's navy says it has intercepted four boats over three days with more than 600 people on board.

They were attempting the treacherous crossing to Spain's Canary Islands - a gateway to Europe.

Footage on social media on Saturday showed other would-be migrants jumping off a boat that had run aground in Senegal's coastal city of St Louis.

Witnesses say winds forced them back and they wanted to avoid arrest by the navy, which has stepped up patrols.

 2023年が始まって以来、少なくとも140名の死亡が確認されている。8月だけでセネガル・モロッコから2690名がCanary Islandsに到達している。人知れず死んでいる人たちのことを思っても、まあ…悪くない渡航成功率といえそう。

Since early 2023, at least 140 migrants attempting the Atlantic crossing have died or gone missing, according to the UN's International Organization for Migration (IOM).

In August alone, more than 2,690 people made it to the Canary Islands from Senegal and Morocco, according to the InfoMigrants news site.


Thursday 28 September: A pirogue was found with 71 people on board, including 13 children
Friday 29 September: In co-ordination with the air force, two pirogues were spotted with 272 passengers, including seven children, about 100km (62 miles) off the coast of the capital, Dakar
Saturday 30 September: Two pirogues found carrying 262 people, including 13 children.
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