BBC The latest from Latin America: Outrage over dumped bodies
1 Apr 2020 19:52
「Outrage is growing in Ecuador's most populous city Guayaquil as residents are sharing videos of bodies dumped in the streets. Forensic services are struggling to pick up the bodies of those who have died in recent days - not just from coronavirus but from other causes as well. Relatives are reporting waiting times of up to four days and some have resorted to leaving the bodies outside their homes. Local newspaper El Universo reports that between 400 and 450 bodies have yet to be removed from homes.」
「In Brazil, the first coronavirus case in an indigenous community has been reported. A 19-year-old woman from the Kokama indigenous group in Amazonas state has contracted the virus, health minister Francisco Ferreira Azevedo said. There are fears that the pandemic could hit indigenous communities particularly hard as they often live in remote locations without access to healthcare」
ブラジルではindigenous peopleにコロナウィルス罹患者が発生。下手すると彼らの存亡にかかわる。
BBC Coronavirus: Cruise ship off Panama coast transfers passengers 29 Mar 2020
「A cruise ship carrying more than 1,800 people off Panama has begun moving healthy passengers to another ship after four people died and two others tested positive for coronavirus.」
「"It has been concluded that it does not represent any risk to our population since it will be carried out more than eight miles from the mainland," the authority said, adding that the bodies of the deceased would remain on the Zaandam.」
BBC Coronavirus: Why India's busiest rail network is being shut down 22 Mar 2020 By Soutik Biswas
「One of the world's busiest urban rail systems will be shut down for ordinary commuters from Monday morning to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in Mumbai, one of India's most populous cities. Only government workers in "essential services" will be allowed to travel on a truncated service.
This was waiting to happen.」
「This means that a nine-car train designed for 1,800 standing passengers will often carry up to 7,000 passengers, according to Monisha Rajesh, author of Around India in 80 Trains.」
BBC The latest from Latin America: Outrage over dumped bodies
1 Apr 2020 19:52
「Outrage is growing in Ecuador's most populous city Guayaquil as residents are sharing videos of bodies dumped in the streets. Forensic services are struggling to pick up the bodies of those who have died in recent days - not just from coronavirus but from other causes as well. Relatives are reporting waiting times of up to four days and some have resorted to leaving the bodies outside their homes. Local newspaper El Universo reports that between 400 and 450 bodies have yet to be removed from homes.」
「In Brazil, the first coronavirus case in an indigenous community has been reported. A 19-year-old woman from the Kokama indigenous group in Amazonas state has contracted the virus, health minister Francisco Ferreira Azevedo said. There are fears that the pandemic could hit indigenous communities particularly hard as they often live in remote locations without access to healthcare」
ブラジルではindigenous peopleにコロナウィルス罹患者が発生。下手すると彼らの存亡にかかわる。
BBC Coronavirus: Cruise ship off Panama coast transfers passengers 29 Mar 2020
「A cruise ship carrying more than 1,800 people off Panama has begun moving healthy passengers to another ship after four people died and two others tested positive for coronavirus.」
「"It has been concluded that it does not represent any risk to our population since it will be carried out more than eight miles from the mainland," the authority said, adding that the bodies of the deceased would remain on the Zaandam.」
BBC Coronavirus: Why India's busiest rail network is being shut down 22 Mar 2020 By Soutik Biswas
「One of the world's busiest urban rail systems will be shut down for ordinary commuters from Monday morning to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in Mumbai, one of India's most populous cities. Only government workers in "essential services" will be allowed to travel on a truncated service.
This was waiting to happen.」
「This means that a nine-car train designed for 1,800 standing passengers will often carry up to 7,000 passengers, according to Monisha Rajesh, author of Around India in 80 Trains.」