


2023-10-21 20:29:55 | Newsメモ
BBC Belt and Road Initiative: Is China's trillion-dollar gamble worth it? 17 Oct 2023 By Tessa Wong


China is throwing a huge party to celebrate one of its biggest experiments in engaging with the world: its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Officials and leaders from all over the globe are in Beijing attending a high-level summit marking the BRI's 10th anniversary. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban have arrived, and the Taliban government will also attend. Chinese media is awash with coverage of the BRI's achievements, including a six-part documentary on state TV.


Having become the lender of first resort for many low or middle income countries through the BRI, China is now the world's biggest international creditor.

The true scale of the debt - thought to be at least hundreds of billions of dollars - is unknown. Many of the loans, given out by both public and private lenders, are shrouded in secrecy.

Now, from Sri Lanka and the Maldives to Laos and Kenya, countries are struggling with BRI debt. This puts the Chinese government in a tight spot.


Over the years BRI projects have also been accused of creating wasteful "white elephants", fuelling local corruption, exacerbating environmental problems, exploiting workers, and failing to live up to promises of bringing jobs and prosperity to local communities.

One recent study by research lab Aid Data found more than a third of the projects face such problems. A growing backlash has prompted some countries like Malaysia and Tanzania to cancel BRI deals.

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