BBC Sri Lanka should have gone to IMF sooner, says central bank governor 17 Jun 2022 By Ben Chu
「Sri Lanka could have avoided its current economic turmoil if it had gone to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout sooner, the country's central bank governor says.」
「P Nandalal Weerasinghe told BBC Newsnight that the delay in seeking outside help was a mistake.
The country has said it needs $5bn this year in support from the international community, including the IMF.」
「"If we had taken the decision to go to the IMF earlier, if we started the debt resettlement process one year before, we could have managed the situation without this kind of suffering in this country," he said.」
「A complication in the IMF negotiations is Sri Lanka's substantial borrowing from China, which Mr Weerasinghe said accounts for 15% of the country's total external debt.」
「Egypt, Ghana and Pakistan are also seen as intensely vulnerable.」
BBC Haiti gang violence: UN votes to ban small arms sales 16 Jul 2022
「The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to ban some weapon sales to Haiti, rocked by deadly gang violence.
The resolution calls on UN member states to prohibit the sale of small arms, light weapons and ammunition to what it calls "non-state actors".」
「In recent days, hundreds of protesters have been burning tyres and blocking roads demanding urgent action to restore the supply of petrol.
Haiti's main fuel terminal had suspended operations during a severe wave of gang violence last week.」
BBC Haiti fuel terminal reopens but gang war persists 15 Jul 2022
BBC Haiti violence: Scores killed as gangs fight for control 14 Jul 2022
「At least 89 people are reported to have been killed in a week of gang warfare in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.」
「Forty-seven of them have been identified as gang members, while the remaining 42 are thought to be residents caught in the crossfire.」
BBC Daegu fire: Seven killed in suspected arson attack in South Korea 9 Jun 2022
「Seven people have been killed in a suspected arson attack at a law firm in the South Korean city of Daegu.
At least 46 people were also injured in the fiery explosion in an office building near the city's District Court on Thursday morning.」
「Police said they were investigating the cause of the attack but believed it may have been an act of arson.
The suspected perpetrator, a man in is 50s, had died at the scene, officials said.」
「Police have launched an investigation. CCTV footage of the office showed the alleged perpetrator entering the second-floor office with materials, BBC Korean reported.
Local media reported that he had filed a complaint at the lawyer's office prior to the attack.」
BBC Sri Lanka should have gone to IMF sooner, says central bank governor 17 Jun 2022 By Ben Chu
「Sri Lanka could have avoided its current economic turmoil if it had gone to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout sooner, the country's central bank governor says.」
「P Nandalal Weerasinghe told BBC Newsnight that the delay in seeking outside help was a mistake.
The country has said it needs $5bn this year in support from the international community, including the IMF.」
「"If we had taken the decision to go to the IMF earlier, if we started the debt resettlement process one year before, we could have managed the situation without this kind of suffering in this country," he said.」
「A complication in the IMF negotiations is Sri Lanka's substantial borrowing from China, which Mr Weerasinghe said accounts for 15% of the country's total external debt.」
「Egypt, Ghana and Pakistan are also seen as intensely vulnerable.」
BBC Haiti gang violence: UN votes to ban small arms sales 16 Jul 2022
「The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to ban some weapon sales to Haiti, rocked by deadly gang violence.
The resolution calls on UN member states to prohibit the sale of small arms, light weapons and ammunition to what it calls "non-state actors".」
「In recent days, hundreds of protesters have been burning tyres and blocking roads demanding urgent action to restore the supply of petrol.
Haiti's main fuel terminal had suspended operations during a severe wave of gang violence last week.」
BBC Haiti fuel terminal reopens but gang war persists 15 Jul 2022
BBC Haiti violence: Scores killed as gangs fight for control 14 Jul 2022
「At least 89 people are reported to have been killed in a week of gang warfare in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.」
「Forty-seven of them have been identified as gang members, while the remaining 42 are thought to be residents caught in the crossfire.」
BBC Daegu fire: Seven killed in suspected arson attack in South Korea 9 Jun 2022
「Seven people have been killed in a suspected arson attack at a law firm in the South Korean city of Daegu.
At least 46 people were also injured in the fiery explosion in an office building near the city's District Court on Thursday morning.」
「Police said they were investigating the cause of the attack but believed it may have been an act of arson.
The suspected perpetrator, a man in is 50s, had died at the scene, officials said.」
「Police have launched an investigation. CCTV footage of the office showed the alleged perpetrator entering the second-floor office with materials, BBC Korean reported.
Local media reported that he had filed a complaint at the lawyer's office prior to the attack.」
— 伊勢崎賢治 (@isezakikenji) May 25, 2022
— 伊勢崎賢治 (@isezakikenji) May 25, 2022
派兵はせず、No Fly-zoneさえ設けず、武器それと義勇兵・傭兵の供与だけの徹底的にcowardで、死の商人がレームダック状態の指導者につけ込む、”自由と民主主義”のためのプロパガンダ戦争
— coinotak (@coinotak) July 19, 2022
私の叔父はクレー射撃で国体にも出場した。以前、叔父にクレー射撃やるから、銃をくれと言った。叔父は「お前の様な貧乏人は無理だ」と言った。最低でも年間5百万円かかり庶民が手を出すと、2年で破産し夜逃げすると言う。協会の親分は麻生太郎である。クレー射撃は金持ちの道楽である。 pic.twitter.com/v2asIjlGlJ