毎日新聞 エボラ出血熱 コンゴ民主共和国で流行 44人症状23人死亡 都市部でも感染者 2018年5月18日 東京夕刊
BBC Ebola outbreak: Experimental vaccinations begin in DR Congo 21 May 2018
「The experimental vaccine proved effective when used in limited trials during the epidemic which struck West Africa in 2014-16」
「At least 26 people are believed to have died in the current outbreak」
「More than 11,300 people died in the earlier outbreak in 2014-16.」
「One of the most immediate obstacles to the immunisation campaign is the country's unreliable electricity supplies, as the vaccine needs to be stored at a temperature of between -60 and -80 C」
「A further issue is that, as the vaccine has not yet been approved, its use is dependent upon informed and signed consent from all patients. This means that translators will need to be brought in to aid communication between health workers and local communities」
BBC Ebola outbreak: Experimental vaccinations begin in DR Congo 21 May 2018
「The experimental vaccine proved effective when used in limited trials during the epidemic which struck West Africa in 2014-16」
「At least 26 people are believed to have died in the current outbreak」
「More than 11,300 people died in the earlier outbreak in 2014-16.」
「One of the most immediate obstacles to the immunisation campaign is the country's unreliable electricity supplies, as the vaccine needs to be stored at a temperature of between -60 and -80 C」
「A further issue is that, as the vaccine has not yet been approved, its use is dependent upon informed and signed consent from all patients. This means that translators will need to be brought in to aid communication between health workers and local communities」