


2023-12-28 20:59:41 | Newsメモ

BBC Teenage boy killed in Australia shark attack 28 Dec 2023By Fiona Nimoni


A teenage boy has been killed in a shark attack at a popular holiday and surfing spot in South Australia, police have said.

The body was recovered from the water after the attack, near Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula, officers said.

A local resident told ABC News Thursday's attack was the first fatal one at the resort that he was aware of.


He said the area had always had sharks - "but there does seem to be a lot more of them now".

The shark attack is the latest of several in South Australian waters in recent months.

In May, a surfer was killed off the Eyre Peninsula, and in February, a girl was mauled by a shark in a river in Perth, the capital of Western Australia.


Scientists have cautioned that an increase in shark sightings doesn't necessarily mean an increase in numbers.



BBC Australia: Child among 10 killed after severe storms hit country's east 27 Dec 2023 By Kathryn Armstrong

At least 10 people, including a nine-year-old girl, have died in eastern Australia during severe thunderstorms on Christmas and Boxing Day.

Most of the deaths were in the state of Queensland, where tens of thousands of people are still without power.

Victoria and New South Wales were also hit by widespread flooding and destructive winds.

Further thunderstorms have been forecast but conditions are expected to improve over the next day.

The winds were so strong in places, they tore roofs off buildings, felled trees and ripped concrete-based electricity poles from the ground.

Among the 10 people killed in the extreme weather over Christmas and Boxing Day was a girl, named in local media as nine-year-old Mia Holland-McCormack, whose body was found in a flooded storm drain after she went missing.


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