


2019-11-15 20:48:42 | Newsメモ

BBC California school shooting: Two teenage students killed in Santa Clarita 15 Nov 2019

Two students, aged 16 and 14, have been killed and three others injured by a gunman who opened fire at a secondary school in California, officials say.

The victims died in a brief, 16-second gun attack shortly before classes began on Thursday at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, north of Los Angeles.

The attack came on the 16th birthday of the suspect, named by US media as fellow student, Nathaniel Berhow.

The suspect then shot himself in the head and is in a critical condition.



BBC Iran nuclear deal: IAEA finds uranium particles at undeclared site 11 Nov 2019

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has found uranium particles at a site in Iran that had not been declared by the Iranian authorities.



BBC Cows swept away by Hurricane Dorian found alive in North Carolina 14 Nov 2019

Three cows swept off an island in North Carolina during Hurricane Dorian have been found alive after apparently swimming for several miles.

The cows belong to a herd on the US state's Cedar Island but were swept away in September by a "mini tsunami" generated by Dorian.

They were presumed dead until they were spotted at the Cape Lookout National Seashore park on the Outer Banks.

Park officials say they believe the three stranded cows swam up to five miles (8km) to make it to the Outer Banks barrier islands.

 こういう事例に出会うと、ほかの動物ではどうだろう、とか思っちゃうな。鹿や熊は海を渡るのよねえ。牛や馬は、さほどは海を越えないものか? 馬を島に閉じ込めて自然状態にしている幾つかの例を思い起こしてみたり。脱出される例はないのか、とか。


BBC Zimbabwe dollar notes issued for first time in a decade 12 Nov 2019

Queues have formed outside banks in Zimbabwe as people hope to get hold of the country's first Zimbabwe dollar notes to be issued since 2009.

The currency was scrapped a decade ago because of hyperinflation when prices were almost doubling every day.

Zimbabwe's central bank hopes the new notes will ease a severe cash shortage as the country suffers a deepening economic crisis.

US dollars and other foreign currencies were banned in June by the central bank, citing the need to return to normality.
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