

ミャンマー政府は国連International Court of Justiceの判定を拒否する

2020-01-24 23:31:40 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
BBC Myanmar Rohingya: Government rejects ICJ ruling 23 Jan 2020

 International Court of Justiceが、ロヒンギャの保護についてちゃんと手を尽くせと拘束性ある命令を出すも、これに否定的に対応する。

Myanmar has responded defiantly to a ruling by the UN's top court ordering measures to prevent the genocide of Rohingya Muslims.

The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it presented a "distorted picture of the situation".


The case was lodged by the African Muslim majority nation of The Gambia. The ruling warned that genocidal actions could recur.

It also blamed condemnation by "human rights actors" for affecting Myanmar's bilateral relations with some countries.

"This has hampered Myanmar's ability to lay the foundation for sustainable development in Rakhine," it added in a statement.


"This is not a fair and just ruling. I would like to speak on behalf of the Myanmar people that those judges are blind. They are deaf. They do not know the real situation in the country," said Nu Yimwin.


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