


2024-11-02 18:05:08 | ソマリア関連

Scrolling through Zara’s transactions shows she has spent thousands of dollars on TikTok.


BBC 'Why I spent my university fees on Somali TikTok battles' 2 days ago

Jack Goodman, Bushra Mohamed & Fauziyya Tukur


Zara, not her real name, is in her 20s, lives in the US and has Somali roots. She became obsessed with the platform’s live battle feature - which sees two influencers verbally spar and sometimes mock each other as they solicit money from their followers to win the bout.

She would later discover there is a much darker side to these games and has shared her story with BBC World Service.


An event we watched on a Saturday night in October was a typical example: there were two influencers on a split screen. About 50,000 people were watching with us.

It was "exciting" and "my side always won", she recalls.

But Zara spent more than $7,000, meant to pay for her university fees, on the games.

She says the US-based male influencer did this to her and she was so scared and worried her family would see a manipulated picture that he threatened to share, she could not sleep at night.

"Imagine your family see your photos in a naked body. They don't know it was Photoshopped."

 ―クランclanの単語が、おいちょっとまて、ゲーム内のグループの意味のクランじゃないのか、もしかしてリアルな世界の氏族社会のクランか? 待て? それであおりあってたりするわけか?! と…。

"Sometimes you will see some politicians and elders talking and joking about how their clan won last night’s game. It’s not something we should joke about," says influencer Bilaal Bulshawi who has almost two million followers and is known for his fun videos and online challenges.

Based in Somalia, unlike many of those who do TikTok battles, he says he took part in a game when they started to become a trend but it was not a clan-based match planned in advance.

 …お前ら、内戦やってた民族なんだぞ? それで現在のリアルマネーを賭けて、過去の内戦の傷をえぐりあったりすると…現代に奇妙な「大量出血」やらかすぞ…?

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