


2020-09-12 11:26:49 | Newsメモ
 米国で、中国語の講義をやっててfiller、つなぎの単語の説明をしたら、それがN-word、黒人侮辱用語に聞こえたというので学生がクレーム出して、で先生が停職に―と。nage, nageと言うのはダメだっていうわけ。

BBC Investigation into US professor sparks debate over Chinese word 11 Sep 2020 By Kerry Allen

A US university investigation into one of its professors has ignited a debate over the use of a seemingly innocuous Chinese word.

Professor Greg Patton at the University of Southern California (USC) was telling students in a communications lecture last month about filler, or pause words, such as 'err', 'umm' or 'you know' in English.

Footage of his lecture, which has now gone viral, shows Prof Patton saying: "In China, the common pause word is 'that, that, that'. So in China, it might be na-ge, na-ge, na-ge."


Enunciated, na-ge sounds like the N-word, which led several of the professor's students to complain to the university.


"It is simply unacceptable for the faculty to use words in class that can marginalize, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students," he said.

In Chinese the word "na-ge" (那个) is a common filler phrase that people use when they're hesitating or trying to find the right word. It literally translates to the word "that".



But there have been many documented incidents of the word being used innocuously and leading to misunderstandings, and even violence.

In July 2016, a fight broke out on the subway in the city of Southern Guangzhou, after a black man heard a Chinese man saying na-ge and mistook it for the N-word.

Footage went viral online showing the black man slapping the Chinese commuter and shouting "you dare try that again" and "never say that again"

 …いやあの、『そうと聞こえたと思ったら即座に相手をタコ殴りにしていいレベルの侮辱語』という存在までは、まあ、なんとか認めるとして(自力救済の原則的な否定は、なんとかできるだけ維持したいが―私人逮捕が認められることを想起しよう)、あの、その母語の状況下ならなんとかまあ。しかしSouthern Guanzhouって、中国側じゃないか。広州だよ。



【ポリコレ問題】【ポリティカルコレクトネス】【political correctness】
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