BBC Coronavirus: Iran's official death toll passes 3,000 1 Apr 2020
「Iran's official death toll from the coronavirus disease has passed 3,000.
Health ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpour reported 138 fatalities in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 3,036. The number of confirmed cases also rose by 2,987 to 47,593, he added.」
「There are concerns that the actual figures are much higher.」
「Mr Rouhani said Americans had nevertheless missed a "historic opportunity" to show goodwill by lifting the sanctions at the start of the outbreak in Iran.
"It is a good time now for them to apologise for their wrongdoing. It is humanitarian issue and nobody would rebuke them and ask why they retreated."」
医薬品や医療機器の輸入は規制されていないとはいうものの「But restrictions on Iran's banking system and an embargo on its oil exports have limited Iran's ability to purchase items.」
米国は歴史的チャンスを逃したな! こんな大問題なんだから、イランへの規制を緩めたら良かったのに! 危機事態の人道問題なんだ、誰もあんたを非難なんか、しやしないよ! もしそうしてくれたら、アメリカはイラン人を敵視しているわけじゃないって示す、とってもいい機会だったのにな! とのこと。
BBC Coronavirus: Iran's official death toll passes 3,000 1 Apr 2020
「Iran's official death toll from the coronavirus disease has passed 3,000.
Health ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpour reported 138 fatalities in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 3,036. The number of confirmed cases also rose by 2,987 to 47,593, he added.」
「There are concerns that the actual figures are much higher.」
「Mr Rouhani said Americans had nevertheless missed a "historic opportunity" to show goodwill by lifting the sanctions at the start of the outbreak in Iran.
"It is a good time now for them to apologise for their wrongdoing. It is humanitarian issue and nobody would rebuke them and ask why they retreated."」
医薬品や医療機器の輸入は規制されていないとはいうものの「But restrictions on Iran's banking system and an embargo on its oil exports have limited Iran's ability to purchase items.」
米国は歴史的チャンスを逃したな! こんな大問題なんだから、イランへの規制を緩めたら良かったのに! 危機事態の人道問題なんだ、誰もあんたを非難なんか、しやしないよ! もしそうしてくれたら、アメリカはイラン人を敵視しているわけじゃないって示す、とってもいい機会だったのにな! とのこと。